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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Liebster blog nominations

I was nominated for this Liebster dealy by Siobhan @cocktailplease ( as well as by my darling naughty writing dear, Penelope Prose @Penelope_Prose (

About Liebster:

The Liebster Blog Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. “Liebster” is German for “Beloved, Dearest or Favorite”.

The Rules:

When one receives the award, one posts 11 random facts about oneself and answers the 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you.Pass the award onto 11 other blogs (while making sure one notifies the blogger that one nominated them!). One writes up 11 NEW questions directed towards YOUR nominees. One is not allowed to nominate the blog who nominated one’s own blog! One pastes the award picture into ones blog. (You can Google the image, there are plenty of them!).

11 Facts About Me:

  1. I’m not only a writer but an artist, musician and maker of various instruments of war. 

  1. I spend far more time playing Mr. Mom than should be legal, which has cut into my writing time.  This makes for more of a Mr. Mommy Dearest by the time the weekend rolls around.

  1. I make an extremely ugly woman.  You already know too much.

  1. As a general rule, I hate old people in consumer settings. You’ve been doing this longer than I’ve been alive so leaving your cart in the middle of the fucking aisle while you look at something is a choice.  It’s the asshole choice and you know it’s wrong.  And I hate you. 

  1. Personal observation: Confidence in men seems to attract the ladies, but give me a cute shy girl and I drool. 

  1. Personal observation: cute shy girls that seem innocent are the freakiest freaks in bed.  Words to live by.

  1. I used to have long silky hair that women loved to touch and was my only vanity.  Apparently I’ve been punished for my beauty.

  1. Truth about #7 is that I had a teacher in High School that was bald.  He told me and a group of friends that he was cursed for making fun of a bald man, and that the same would happen to us for making fun of him.  18 years later his words ring true, because I’m bald, and they are all dead.

  1. My words of advice for those thinking of becoming writers: Write for the love of storytelling.  Research the craft and the industry.  Talk to other writers but recognize the haters before the damage is done.  They stand out most of the time cuz they are nasty and negative and leave an oozing slime trail wherever they go.  Write, write and write some more.  Even if its garbage, you’re probably writing WAY more than me!

  1. My words of advice for established writers: Don’t be hatin’!

  1. Okay, the moment of truth.  This is the big one.  I mean, this is huge.  Massive.  Earth shattering even.  Okay.  Shooooo, this is harder than I thought.  Okay.  I…  That is, well.  Geesh… Okay, here goes, for real this time.  I sometimes like to eat Chef Boyardee ravioli cold, right out of the can.  There, I said it.  Don’t get me wrong.  I mean, it HAS to be Chef Boyardee, none of that generic stuff.  That would just be gross.

My Answers to Siobhan’s Questions
1. What is your favorite movie?
Fight Club.  I love a lot of movies but Fight Club is a writer’s movie.  It’s filled to the brim with amazingly simple snippets of working stiff philosophy, great dark humor, sex, self destruction and a view of the world is both frightening and appealing. 

2. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?
I’d have finished college and got my masters.  I can trace every lost dream back to the moment I decided to let someone else discourage me from following my dreams.

3. Do you have any phobias?
Dolls. Porcelain dolls to be specific.  I helped my dad remodel a house in high school and the scary, inbred old lady that lived there had dozes in every room.  They lined the baseboards along all her hallways and I had to work with them watching me.  I also can’t stand to see anyone dislocate anything.  I go into full body convulsions of disgust and discomfort.

4. If you could choose one fictional character to go on a date with, who would it be and why?
Jessica Rabbit, baby.  Why?  Have you seen her?  Boing!

5. What was the best piece of advice you ever received?
Don’t get married.  It’s a trap.

6. If you could be one of the first people to colonize Mars but you could never return to earth, would you go?
Ummmmm, no.
7.Right now in this moment, what are you most grateful for?
My son.  He is my world.  He changed everything for me and made me realize it was time to quit lying to myself about being a man, because before him, I was still just a stupid kid.

8. Do you prefer to give advice or take advice?
Both stink.  No one ever really seems to listen to the problem before giving advice and NO ONE ever takes advice.  Typically most people aren’t really looking for advice.  They are hoping you will agree with them when they decide to do the selfish, childish, easy thing.

9. Are you currently following the career path you thought you would when you were in high school?
Yes. I had no clue what I was going to do in high school and my “career path” really shows it.

10. What is your favorite place you’ve ever visited?
Charleston, SC.  Such a gorgeous southern city.  Real cobblestone streets, wrought iron everything and ghosts peaking around every corner.  My kind of town.  Minus the hurricane threat, I would gladly live there.

11. If you could be famous for doing anything, what would it be?
I would be a famous storyteller.  That’s the path I’ve tried to set for myself as a writer.  My style is very visual in nature so I would love to go into animation and film.

Answers to Penelope’s questions:

1. What is your favorite color and why?
Alizarin Crimson.  When painting I always get this odd giddy feeling when I first thin a bit of it with some linseed oil.  It must be the vampire in me because it looks like blood then.

2. If you could do one dare-devil move, knowing you would live through it, what would it be and why?
Jumping the Grand Canyon on a unicycle.  No risk so I figure go ridiculous.

3. Have you had a one night stand?

4. Did you know his/or her’s name?

5. Name a quality in yourself you love?

6. Name a quality in yourself you don’t love?

7. If you could be a flavor of skittles, which one would you be and why?
Red so that everyone could just eat me!  Yeah I went there.

8. Name one thing about your partner you love, or your dream partner would have?
Total submission in the bedroom.

9. If you could only have sex in one place forever, where would it be and why?
Does Earth count? No?  Bah.  Gonna be boring but I’m going with my bed.  Just more convenient and sometimes you can’t beat the classics.

10. How many times did you change your answer to question 9?
0 if you don’t count the Earth thing.

11. How many of you think Bad Penny’s always to blame?
I don’t think she is.  I know she is and, well, I named her as such.

My 11 Nominees:


My 11 Questions:

  1. What are you currently working on?
  2. Where does your writing inspiration most come from?
  3. If any of your fictional works were made into a movie, who would play the protagonist and why?
  4. Is there one book that made you decide to become a writer and how/why?
  5. If you had one super power, what would it be?
  6. What is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done in public?
  7. If you found a million dollars and there was a $1000 reward for finding it, or you could keep it for yourself with no one ever being the wiser, what would you do?
  8. How old were you when you realized that mom and/or dad was not the source of all knowledge in the world, which is to say, she and/or he was just a dumbass like everyone else, and what was the situation?
  9. What is your favorite meal to prepare?
  10. Where were you when you heard that Hostess was going out of business and how will this affect your life as a productive member of society?
  11. What is the one place in the world that you most long to visit or live?


  1. This is great Caster! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. Ooooh it was great getting to know you better. For the record, red skittles are my favorite. :)
